From Chaos To Connection

A 9-week online programme to support you to move beyond daily chaos and overwhelm and (finally) bring about the peaceful vision of family life you long for.

Melissa, Mother of one, Auckland 

"This course is life changing.

I had a deep knowing that I wanted to parent differently but I didn't know how. There is so much information online that is often conflicting. It is overwhelming. This course provided a broad, deep approach based on love and connection. I continue to be blown away by the power of it. Truly transformative not only for parenting but for life!”

Create deep and lasting connection built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect with your children 


Speak in a way that your children are more able to hear and understand you


Create more inner peace allowing you to be more present, calm and regulated with your children


Manage challenging behavior and conflict using methods that are aligned with your love for peace and cooperation.


Self-Study Course

  • Instant access to the course 
  • Course dripped in weekly modules to pace your learning.
  • Weekly emails to structure, motivate and encourage your learning.
  • Ideal for flexible schedules and self-motivated learners.

Offered on a Gift Economy basis.

Initial deposit of $90 USD, then pay what you are willing and able at the end.

Start learning today!

Community Cohort

  • Access to scheduled live Zoom calls for real-time support.
  • Interactive experience with a small group of peers.
  • Ideal for those seeking accountability, support, community, and direct interaction with Sally and Jorinde.
  • Next intake August 2025. Places limited. 

Offered on a Gift Economy basis.

Initial deposit of $150 USD, then pay what you are willing and able at the end.

Sign up!

Individual Accompaniment

  • Gain instant access to all course materials.
  • 6 fortnightly individual zoom calls with Sally or Jorinde for individualised support and coaching.
  • Perfect for those seeking accountability, in-depth learning, and meaningful reflection.

Places limited - contact us to discuss this option.

Contact us

Katie, mother of 5

"Sally and Jorinde have a special way about them. They have a magical ability to make you feel so comfortable that it enables you to break through the discomforts of sharing but this in turn creates such growth for deep reflection, growth and change within self, relationships and family life."

Dear Fellow Parents,

If you are sitting down to read this, we are guessing that your daily life with children often feels chaotic and exhausting. You are probably trying so hard to make all the pieces work, and to bring about the caring, peaceful life that you want so much for your children. But when you are so worn down, it can feel impossible. How can you possibly have the energy to pull your whole family up when you have nothing left in your tank?

You Are Not Imagining It

Firstly, we'd like to offer you some reassurance: it’s not your imagination (…modern parenting really IS that hard, for complex reasons that we explore in detail in our blog) and it's not your fault, we were never supposed to be able to do it all alone!

There Is Hope

Secondly, we would like to offer you some hope: From our own experience, and working with many other caring but exhausted parents, we've learned that transforming family life is a journey. While it may take time and effort, it's entirely achievable.

With the right support, you don’t have to navigate this path alone.

We invite you to join us and take this journey together towards a more peaceful and fulfilling family life.

Jorinde and Sally

“Everyday I am trying so damn hard, but I just can’t make it work!”

Mother of 2, Auckland

Why is Modern Parenting So Damn Hard?

These were the tearful words of a mother of two who came to us at the very end of her capacity to cope alone. She is a strong and capable woman, deeply committed to loving and peaceful parenting—but the challenges in her family had exceeded her limits.

She was struggling each day with school refusal, behavior challenges, her daughter's recent autism diagnosis, and a black-hole-sized longing for rest and support. She was exhausted, alone, and desperate to find a way forward.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Perhaps, like this mother, you started your parenting journey with high hopes and beautiful dreams. You read all the books, joined every Facebook group, and lovingly chose an organic bamboo sling—imagining joy-filled years of warmth, laughter, and playdough-scented togetherness with your children.

Instead, to your dismay, reality looks very different.

You find yourself exhausted and alone… Your days feel far from the ideal of sweet, rosy-faced connection around the dinner table. Instead, they are filled with:

  • Bitter shouting matches
  • Hours of numbing screens
  • Piles of unfolded laundry
  • Outraged tantrums and slammed doors
  • Shouted (but unheard) pleas to "just get in the damned car, right now!"

You Are Not Alone

The more we hear these stories, the more we see that this is not just your story, or mine, or hers—it is OUR story.

This is the story of a generation of parents struggling in chaos and confusion, battling each day to give our children the love and care we sense they need—all while navigating an unprecedentedly challenging historical moment.

An Alternative Vision for Your Family


You may have always suspected that your family life could be sweeter, lighter, and more joyful—and you’ve likely been battling for some time now to bring this vision to life for yourself and your children.

Perhaps you long for a family life where you can:
  • Be present and engaged with your children.
  • Find rest when you need it, knowing that your needs matter too.
  • Feel confident in your parenting, able to hold the reins loosely.
  • Stay clear and focused on your vision—no longer confused by every new parenting trend.
  • Create an easy connection with your child, built on trust, mutual respect, and love.
  • Truly hear your child’s deepest fears and sadness about the world—offering insight, wisdom, and comfort as a safe harbor and trusted guide.
  • Drink in warm, sweet moments of family togetherness—experiencing the real world side by side.

This alternative vision is possible. You don’t have to do it alone.

How does this programme actually support parents to transform their family lives?

You may be imagining that creating a peaceful, connected family life demands some kind of unattainable enlightened perfection beyond your current realm of possibility.

There is no quick way to fix our parenting challenges, but there is a reliable path - and it is reassuringly straightforward. Our programme is based the insights we have gained through years of working with overwhelmed parents and helping them create a family life that is easier and more peaceful for them.

Our programme is based on two key discoveries from Years of Working with Parents:

1. The root of modern parenting challenges is disconnection.

We are living through what may be the greatest fragmentation of connection human beings have ever known. We are profoundly isolated and detached from one another, from our broader communities, from the natural world, and even from our own inner selves.

  • In this painful and largely unacknowledged reality, we peace-loving parents devote ourselves tirelessly to caring for our children.
  • But we quickly reach the edge of our capacity, stumbling anxious and exhausted through each day.
2. The only effective, lasting solution is reconnection.

The way forward isn’t through stricter rules, better discipline strategies, or trying harder. The way out of our crisis of overwhelm is through a gentle, conscious, and determined effort to reconnect with ourselves, our children and  communities of support.

Our programme involves three main steps to create more ease and peace in your family:

  • STEP 1: Reconnect with yourself
  • STEP 2: Reconnect with your children
  • STEP 3: Learn peaceful ways to manage behaviour challenges and conflict

Taking these steps, you can interrupt the downward cycle of stress and disconnection and begin to create new, life-giving patterns that restore connection and rebuild family peace. Your life can be a whole lot easier. 

The Pathway from 'From Chaos to Connection'

Our programme involves three main steps to create more ease and peace in your family:

  • STEP 1: Reconnect with yourself
  • STEP 2: Reconnect with your children
  • STEP 3: Learn peaceful ways to manage behaviour challenges and conflict

Hear more about these three steps, and get a sneak peek into the 'From Chaos to Connection' programme with our welcome video! In this first lesson, we’ll explore how reconnecting with yourself, your children, and learning peaceful ways to manage conflict can create lasting transformation in your family life.


Mother of one, navigating co-parenting, Auckland

“I deeply appreciated everything about the course. It has met a number of needs for me (and my son): for connection, for self-acceptance, for discovery, for making sense of life, for learning, for meaning...I have learnt so much about myself and my son and feel so enthused to imagine what that means for us/ our life. I feel a lot of relief to have come across the people and tools who are able to support my learning journey."

 Ready to Build Connection?

If you're ready to prioritize the steps of building connection, it is absolutely possible to interrupt the downward cycle of chaos. By redirecting our precious time and energy into supporting new, life-giving patterns, we can rebuild connection and restore peace in our families.

In this program, you will have the chance to:

🌿 Pause – take a deep breath, and notice what is happening within yourself and inside your family.

🌸 Interrupt the downward cycle of conflict and chaos that has been dragging you down.

💡 Learn skills and principles that can transform your relationship with your children from within.

Join Us!

Everything that you will cover in the programme


Week 1: Welcome

In our first week, we will explore what you need in order to get the most out of the programme, identify your vision for your family and specific goals and intentions for our time together. 

Week 2: Restoring Connection 

We explore the importance of the relationship we have with our children as a container for their growth and development, and the impact on them (and us) when there are challenges with connection. 

Week 3: Understanding the lens through which you see the world

Learn how our beliefs/judgments about the world create a lens through which we understand and interpret our child, explore two fundamentally different ways we can experience the world.

Week 4: Feelings, Self Regulation and Co-regulation

How to use your feelings, sensations and emotions to understand your needs, express yourself, to self-regulate when you are triggered and to support your children to regulate themselves.

Week 5: How to Observe Without Judgement 

We will explore the importance of separating your observations of your child from your evaluations, the role of evaluations in conflict and how clear observations can support peace.

Week 6: Empathy

We will look at the importance of empathy to your children’s development and learn some skills for offering empathy and understanding to your children even in the most challenging moments. 

Week 7: Requests - From Connection to Manifestation

We will practise making clear, doable requests that capture your deepest needs and longings and that are more likely to be heard by your children.

Week 8: Integration and Roadmap

In our final week, we’ll focus on integrating everything you’ve learned, reflecting on your progress, and celebrating your achievements. You will leave with a toolkit of strategies, a renewed vision for your family, and a clear roadmap to guide you forward on this journey. 

How our course works


Online Content

Each week you will be guided through a series of pre-recorded lessons relating to our topic for the week (around 90 minutes per week). You can watch these in your own time and from the comfort of your home (...think while lying waiting for children to sleep, while waiting for the pasta to boil, or even while in the bath! :)

Weekly Email

Each week, you will receive an email from us outlining the main focus for your week, your practice focus, and pointing you to all of the resources you need to support your journey. This gives you a central place to check in each week to see what is going on and where we are up to.


Downloadable Exercises and Summaries

To support real and lasting change in your life, our video lessons include a range of exercises to support you to integrate material into your daily life, including worksheets, journalling processes and meditations. We will also send you written exercises you can do between sessions (e.g. daily journalling exercises).


Our 100% Worry-Free Guarantee

We have lovingly designed this programme to include all of the information, tools, resources and materials we think you need to make a powerful transformation in your family life. We're really confident that if you commit to the process, you'll experience greater peace, joy and ease.

But we also get it - the worry of "will it work?", the fear of putting your precious time, energy and money into the unknown...

That's why we offer a worry-free guarantee (this is for the Self-Study programme only - our cohort programmes are a bit harder to reschedule :).

Here’s how our guarantee works:

  1. Jump in and try the first two modules – Explore the content, watch the videos and start making progress. You can sign up and start today.
  2. Not feeling the value? – If, within 14 days of your purchase, you don’t feel that the course is supporting the changes you would like in your life, simply email us, attaching your completed journal for the first two weeks.
  3. We will give you a Full Refund – Simple as that. No questions asked, no explanation needed. We would rather you direct your time, energy and resources into something that works really well for you.

We hope this will give you the reassurance you need to give this programme a try. We think it's pretty special.

Self-Study Course

  • Instant access to the course (start today!)
  • Course dripped in weekly modules to pace your learning.
  • Weekly emails to structure, motivate and encourage your learning.
  • Ideal for flexible schedules and self-motivated learners.

Offered on a Gift Economy basis

(Initial deposit of $150 NZD, and then pay what you are willing and able at the end).

Start learning today!

Community Cohort

  • Access to weekly live group  zoom calls for practice and support.
  • Interactive homegroup experience with a small group of peers.
  • Ideal for those seeking accountability, support, community, and direct interaction with Sally and Jorinde.
  • Next intake March 2025. Places are limited. 

Offered on a Gift Economy basis

(Initial deposit of $270 NZD, and then pay what you are willing and able at the end).

Sign me up!

Individual Accompaniment

  • Gain instant access to all course materials
  • 6 bi-weekly live Zoom calls with Sally or Jorinde for real-time support.
  • Perfect for those seeking accountability, in-depth learning, and meaningful reflection.
Contact us

Auckland-based mother of 1

“I would like to offer my gratitude for the gifts you offered me through your offering of the connection with children course last year. It has given so much depth and connection and empathy to all of my relationships. I am FEELing so much more, am much more able to recognise my needs and as well those of my son. And I am becoming much more able to return to dialogue.
My life is so much more wonderful. ”

The Community Cohort Programme

One of the ways this programmes supports real, lasting progress is by offering the motivational power and support of a community of like minded parents who will travel through the programme with you. Additional to the general course content offered in the Self-Paced Program, you will get the benefits of:

Home groups

For your time in the program, you will be placed in a home group with 3-6 others. Each week you will have a chance to meet together on zoom, share any celebrations or challenges, ask questions, receive empathy, and practice skills together. These will be your core go-to people to support you for the duration of the course, and perhaps beyond.

Live Mentoring Sessions

Each week, we will all come together for our online community live group coaching. This is a chance for you to practice the skills covered in the lessons, ask your questions, watch live demonstrations, listen to other people’s questions and receive direct support, mentoring and coaching from Sally and or Jorinde.


Access to a Community chat Group

You will have access to a private, monitored Watts app group. This is a supportive, non-judgemental space where you can share any experiences, celebrations or challenges that come up during our time together and ask any questions you have.

Next Community Cohort: August 2025

📅 8 Live Group Calls with Jorinde and/or Sally
Spots are limited— check your time zone and reserve below:

NZST (New Zealand Time):
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Saturdays, 22 March – 24 May (one-week integration break on 19 April)
Save My Spot
CET (Central European Time):
7:30 – 9:30 PM
Wednesdays, 19 March – 21 May (one-week integration break on 16
Save My Spot
PDT (Pacific Daylight Time, e.g., California): 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Wednesdays, 19 March – 21 May (one-week integration break on 16 April)
Save My Spot

Sam, Invercargill

"Thank you ever so much Jorinde and Sally. You make such a wonderful team, and I'm so grateful to you both for introducing me to this way of parenting. It really is such a life changing gift. You are doing such valuable work which the world needs so much more of! Keep it up beautiful people!"


Want to learn more about us and our passion for this work?
🎥 Explore by watching these videos  below:

Sally Prebble, PhD

NVC Trainer and Co-founder Peace Talks NZ

Jorinde Rapsey

NVC Trainer and Co-founder Peace Talks NZ

We’d love to welcome you into the "From Chaos to Connection" community!

Wishing you peace and connection,

Sally & Jorinde

Still Unsure? Have Questions?

We get it—making a choice that fits you is important. If you have any concerns or need more information before taking the next step, we're here to help! 

📩 Email us at, or Book a free 15 min exploration session with us to see how we can help.