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Our Story

Peace Talks was born out of our shared love for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and our desire to share it as widely as possible as a way to bring about deep transformation in people, families and communities. We have a vision of a peaceful, playful world in which people are empowered to speak truth with love, to change patterns and systems to better care for human need, and to care for one another with compassion. We love to work alongside people and communities to help them to apply the principles of NVC in their daily lives and to create sustainable communities of support.  We offer workshops, mediation and private sessions in person in Dunedin, Aotearoa/New Zealand and online. 

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Our vision is a world where kindness, compassion and peace are the norm, where deep human connection can come to fruition because honesty can be spoken and heard. We imagine communities where everyone and EVERYTHING is welcome, exuberant joy, sadness, despair, anger, pain, or depression.  We dream of a world where we are reconnected with our inherent human capacity for compassion, and our care for each other extends across every type of separation into our relationship with the living planet.  

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Using the principles and skills  of Nonviolent Communication, we work alongside people and communities to help them to bring about their own inner transformation as well as change in the world around them. We acknowledge and mourn the genuine structural problems of the world while also empowering, energising and enabling people to create transformation within their own lives and communities, aligned with their deepest values and vision.  We support people to experience the richness of a deep, felt sense of truly meeting other human beings with authenticity and compassion. 

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